Cloth Paper Scissors Debut

I'm honored to be writing now for Cloth Paper Scissors, the Interweave Press mixed media magazine. My first article will be in the May/June issue and its a profile of mixed media artist Robert Maloney. I hope you'll all pick up a copy and tell me what you think, when the mag hits the stands!
And, speaking of publication, I've also just received word that my Cloth Paper Scissor DVD Workshop about Rainbow Printing will be released in Apri and that it will be featured in teh CPS newsletter of April 7.
Hi Susie,
We will be promoting your DVD in the April 7th newsletter. Can you please send me some tips or a brief how-to related to your DVD for that newsletter? We would also need an image. We will need all of this no later than April 1st.
Thanks Susie. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Have a good night.
Warm regards,
Barbara Delaney
Assistant Editor
I am holding my breath til I see that hour-long me-in-front-of- big-scary-camera workshop! I learned a lot in the process, and beg those of you who have the opportunity to see it sometime to tell me how I could improve. (I'll let you know where/how to purchase when I get the word that it's on the way -- or you can go to CLP's website and sign up for their newsletter.) I KNOW I was really disorganized and rushed at the beginning (breathe, Susie) but I think I improved as the tape rolled.
Reader Comments (6)
Can't wait to read your articles in CPS!!!