Sensory Alphabet Workshop in April

What is the Sensory Alphabet? And why do you wnat to know about it?
What -- see above and below for the nine elements. Why is a little trickier to answer, but for me, these 9 "viewpoints" have been the key to my creative work since I first learned my alphabet at age 12 in a children's theater program at Baylor University. They were -- and remeain -- my entry points into my own strongest kinds of imaginging. Knowing my alphabet is what helps me find my artistic and creative voice in any medium. The alphabet has served me as a writer, as a visutal artist, as a textile artist, as a designer of books, videos, and informational materials, as a journalist and as a museum designer.
Looks simple, looks artsy, but really what these ways of collecting, looking and giving form for me, and I think for others, is provide the path to find what I am best at doing, saying, making and percieving -- and that's whether I am starting a business, planting a garden, working an equation or making art. Maybe you'r e ready to dig deeper into your own strong suite, get off the "collect-another-technique" trail (as fun as that might be), and start making work that reflects your individual and unique perspective. To speak in your own voice as an artist.
Or maybe you are just ready for some play time outside your regular and expected directions, the well-trod road of expertise and self-expectations -- time to stretch into really different, though simple, materials and media. Either way, you'll like this affordable and rejuvenating workshop I think!
The Sensory Alphabet workshop coming up in April at El Cielo is a short and intense two-days of looking at your own way of using this alphabet of perception. If you'd lilke to get started (or continue with conviction) your own path to your own best work, consider joining us at El Cielo on April 16 (optional evening potluck and sharing) 17-18. The details are in my workshop brochure (see sidebar and click on the link to download) or email me for an electronic brochure mailed to your very own computer!
Reader Comments (3)
is there still room available?