Therapy Strips, Thanks to Rayna

Rayna Gillman's new(ish) book, Create your own Free-Form Quilts, has inspired me to try my very first all-pieced art quilt. Yay, Rayna. For an art quilter who has come to textile work from the art not the quilt world, this is a big and scary step for me.
But, thanks to Rayna, I now know: The 1/4" seam rule is not so set in stone. Sometimes crooked is good. A piece is a piece is a piece and it can always be cut and pieced again.
That's just the start. Here are my "therapy strips" waiting to become something else. I also actually have a nice set of pomegranite "blocks" put together and am trying to decide if they are done or need to become my own version of a 9-patch. (And, they are very therapeutic, just the thing for me to do when I need studio time, but don't know exactly what to work on next -- or ever again).
Hurray for writers who take us out of our fears. Thanks, Rayna.

Reader Comments (5)
Love your blog!
Makes me want to pull out my bin of fabric and start sewing...
my odds and ends. I'm thinking of screening or stamping bird images as a unifying
element within the quilt with a spotlight block of what else...a bird.Right now I
have four other pieces in the works so, it will have to wait. Love your colors