Count Down to UFO (unfinished fiber object) Workshop

The last UFO workshop was a blast. Unlike most of the workshops that I facilitate out here at El Cielo, this one is "user designed." Artists bring a project that needs the benefits of the studio, a weekend of work, technical advice and tutorials, space and time to spread out and work with concentration, a bit of peer critique to pull a piece (or two) together -- or all of the above. This was really fun last fall and I've offered it again at the request of several artists-in-arms -- but there is room for a few more RETREATEES. Dates: Friday night optional pot luck, June 3, work sessions with tailor-made tutorials, June 4-5. We usually wrap things up around 3:30 or 4.
Even if you aren't working on a fiber project -- it could be watercolor, collage, mixed media or any other art work that you feel needs a jump start or a jump to finish. Or maybe you just need some time to sit and think and look and listen to your artist's self. This weekend is your opportunity.
You are welcome to bring fabric to dye (with advice included!), designs for thermofaxes (at cost, $14 each), stamps to carve, fabric to print through the inkjet, stuff to sew (I have 3 machines or various vintages), canvases or watercolor pads to set up for plein aire work or any other activity that comes to mind.
(The deck is finished now! The pool is fabulous this time of year.)
The cost is $165, with a $15 discount if you sign up before the end of this week. Accommodations range from a private room with bath for $30 to shared room or sofa (comfy I promise) for free. ANd there are beds in the studio (with bathroom) if you are a night owl and want to work into the wee hours.
Call or email me through the contact form on the sidebar if you are interested, and I'll send more details.