Mission Accomplished

Pay attention, open new eyes. Spring is really here.Huisache and Mesquite have put on their golden fluffy finery; Mountain laurels are finishing their Koolaid burst of color and scent. Even in the midst of drought, green grasses are making an effort and a few bluebonnets show up in patches here and there along highways.
The San Antonio missions (San Antonio Missions National Historical Park) are some of my favorite places to visit and take photos. I love that the missions, while protected and under restoration and programming as federal parks, are also active parishes, with masses said each Sunday in Spanish and English. Mission Espada has an attached convent where brown-robed Franciscan brothers and priests live, surrounded by bird feeders and a jungle of geraniums and other blooming plants.
With family here this Spring Break, we took a wander down to south San Antonio. Here are a few of the images that inspired me -- wondrful space scapes of stone and sky, faint drawings that have been found during the last round of restorations, some artist's rendition of grand Spanish flare, no doubt an Indian hand at work, copying from a manuscript brought by one of the Franciscan priests.
Did you see something wonderful this week? Close at hand or far from home... it's important to keep our artist eyes tuned in and turned on.

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