Besides CREATE-ing, here's Chicago

On my way to the train, Rosemont lives up to its flowery name.
On my "off" time, I spent a couple of half days in the city. Chicago on a summer day is a beautiful place to behold. The heat had broken; the skies were blue; people were everywhere (can you tell I am now a real courtry mouse?) and I spent most of my time just walking and looking.
Here are a few more pictures:
Millenium Park sculpture -- The Crown Fountain -- by Spanish artist Jaume Plensa.
These young ladies at Cloud Gate were dressed in gowns for their performances of classical music in the park.
It is imperative to shoot your own photos in Cloud Gate's reflective surfaces, 5000 times is about normal.
The Palmer House lobby ceiling -- iced tea never tasted so grand. Why were all those people downstairs at Starbucks?
From a water taxi landing on the Chicago River.
Navy Pier was hosting the tall ships -- I didnt have time to get too close (or even to buy a ticket), and the crowds on Saturday were overwhelming!

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