Susie Monday

Artist, maker, teacher, author, head cook and bottlewasher.

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The art I make is the result of a life-long love of pattern, texture and color. How I teach is a skill honed by experience (I started teaching creative arts to younger kids when I was 12). After earning a B.A. in Studio Arts from Trinity University, I helped lead an internationally recognized educational foundation, designed curriculum exhibits for schools and other institutions, wrote and edited for a major daily newspaper, opened the San Antonio Children's Museum and then, a dozen years ago, took the scary but essential (for me) leap to become a fulltime artist and art teacher.

About This Blog

This weblog is about the maker's life. The teacher's path. The stitching and dyeing and printing of the craft of art cloth and art quilt. The stumbling around and the soaring, the way the words and the pictures come together. Poetry on the page and in the piecing of bright scraps together. The inner work and the outer journeys to and from. Practicalities and flights of fancy and fearful grandeur, trivial pursuits and tactile amusements. Expect new postings two or three times a week, unless you hear otherwise. 

To reach me, leave a comment after a post, OR email me at 


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    Working in a Series, Lisa  Call


    If you've been reading me regularly, you'll know my word for the year is COMMIT (even if I haven't written it out loud!) I try each day to commit to what is most important, at the top of the list, and I put making art on that list (and at the top) as often as possible. Now in mid-February, it is remarkable to note how quickly the calendars fill up, how loud the competing voices for attention become, and how the realities of money, time and space make themselves known. 

    But, just as I get a bit discouraged a lagnaippe appears (you know lagnaippe, right -- the free, unexpected, pat-on-the-back bonus, extra-cookie-in-the- box kind of surprise). Lisa Call featured four of my current series on her blog post today, and paid me great compliments, too.

    Head over and take a look; http: at Lisa's blog -- //


    Therapy Strips, Thanks to Rayna

    Rayna Gillman's new(ish) book, Create your own Free-Form Quilts, has inspired me to try my very first all-pieced art quilt. Yay, Rayna. For an art quilter who has come to textile work from the art not the quilt world, this is a big and scary step for me.

    But, thanks to Rayna, I now know: The 1/4" seam rule is not so set in stone. Sometimes crooked is good. A piece is a piece is a piece and it can always be cut and pieced again. 

    That's just the start. Here are my "therapy strips" waiting to become something else. I also actually have a nice set of pomegranite "blocks" put together and am trying to decide if they are done or need to become my own version of a 9-patch. (And, they are very therapeutic, just the thing for me to do when I need studio time, but don't know exactly what to work on next -- or ever again).


    Hurray for writers who take us out of our fears. Thanks, Rayna.




    Trolling around, I found some wonderful textile art on the Internet today. I'm teaching a course at the Southwest School of Art the next couple of months -- Finding Your Path as an Artist -- and it's keeping me on my toes, looking for resources, finding interesting examples of artists' styles and series, and working with artists who work in a variety of media. However, these two (three) are working in cloth, in different ways, but with clarity, focus and commitment -- just what I am trying for in the studio.

    First, A Bee, a collaboration - or collective, as they call themselves -- of two artists who work large, bold and beautifully:

    And the artist who took me to them (a post on her blog about their exhibit at the San Jose Museum): Terry Jarrard-Dimond. Terry's is a name I had heard before -- I think we've even met here and there-- but somehow I had never before focused in on her stunning, disciplined, structural work.




    Fiberart for a Cause, coming 2/15

    FYI and fabulous art, too.

    Foto/Fiber 2012
    90 Photos AND 90 Fiber BONUSES 

    Gold Donor Day - February 15, 2012
    Make a minimum donation of $100, choose a photo by 
    Virginia A. Spiegel, Karen Stiehl Osborn, or Cynthia Wenslow
    and choose a Fiber BONUS by a specific artist
    from the following list of fiber artists.

    Regular Foto/Fiber - February 16, 2012
    Make a minimum donation of $50 and choose a photo by 
    Virginia A. Spiegel, Karen Stiehl Osborn, or Cynthia Wenslow.
    Your Fiber BONUS will be chosen at random for you
    from the following list of generous fiber artists.

    Artists donating Fiber BONUS include: 
    Natalya Aikens, 
    Frances Holliday Alford, Pamela Allen, Liz Berg, Sue Bleiweiss, Nancy G. Cook, Jane Davila, Vivika DeNegre, Diane Rusin Doran, 
    Jane Dunnewold, Jamie Fingal, 
    Leonie Hartley Hoover, Leslie Tucker Jenison, Lyric Kinard, Susan Brubaker Knapp, Lynn Krawzcyk, Jane LaFazio, Susan Lenz, Jeanelle McCall
    Linda Teddlie Minton, Karen Musgrave, Gail Myrhorodsky
    Karen Stiehl Osborn, BJ Parady, Cate Coulacos Prato, Yvonne Porcella
    Wen Redmond, Sue Reno, Lesley Riley, Cynthia St. Charles,
    Susan Schrott, Suzanne Silk, Lura Schwarz Smith (with Kerby C. Smith),
    Sarah Ann Smith, and Terri Stegmiller

    Drawings for Fiber Art throughout the event.
    All patrons of Foto/Fiber 2012 will also have multiple chances throughout Foto/Fiber to win fiber art donated by:

    Leonie Hartley Hoover
    Lyric Kinard
    Lynn Krawczyk
    Yvonne Porcella
    Susan Schrott
    Mary Ann Van Soest

    More information on how Foto/Fiber 2012 works:

    Our goal – Raise $7,000 for the American Cancer Society

    Fiberart For A Cause has already donated over $215,000 to the American Cancer Society through the generosity of fiber artists and their patrons.
    for more information.